Freelance !

Promotions, publications, advertising, events and more

I enjoy working to client specifications.

You want talent, smarts and reliable outcomes…not headaches.  You need an artist who’s easy to work with and detail oriented – an enthusiastic contributor, problem solver and capable communicator.  I get it, and gladly do my part to keep our creative collaboration in sync.

I easily transition from painter to cartoonist to editorial illustrator, shifting emphasis to suit the needs of the project.  And because I think in terms of words and meanings, I know how to augment and amplify your creative concept.

My images are typically narrative (involving a message or reference to a storyline) and I like to inject humor when appropriate.  I’m a quick study and always glad to learn something new.

I welcome the chance to contribute to your digital online content, print publication, event promotions, worthwhile causes and creative projects in general.  Please make initial contact via my blue-sky form:

